Focusing on the fascination and the fear of the unknown, You Know Who, curated by Brigitte Pitarakis and Selen Ansen, takes its cue from the rich Byzantine imagery and literary sources related to the supernatural, the uncanny and the otherworld. Inspired by this historical and cultural heritage, You Know Who puts contemporary artworks into perspective with ancient iconographic and textual sources, tracing the survival, migration and transformation of forms, beliefs and representations throughout history.
The exhibit features works from the Ömer M. Koç Collection along with new productions commissioned for this exhibition with the support of Koç Holding and works loaned from institutions, artists and collectors from Turkey and abroad. Translated from the vernacular Turkish expression ‘ismi lâzım değil’ (literally, that whose name is unnecessary to mention), the English title of the exhibition You Know Who, conveys the elusiveness of the unknown, explains nothing, defines nothing: it is a name that does not name yet delivers the unnameable.